This Consortium Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between the member companies of the consortium, with the goal of creating a safe environment for sharing information regarding the purchase of adult-oriented products by minors. The parties to this Agreement include law enforcement agencies, social workers, school administrators, and the parents of the minors involved. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish guidelines for the free sharing of information while maintaining the privacy and safety of all parties involved.

1. Information Sharing:

a. The member companies of the consortium shall freely share information regarding the products and techniques used by minors to attempt to purchase adult-oriented goods from smoke shops.

b. Information may be shared with law enforcement agencies, social workers, school administrators, and the parents/legal guardians of the minors involved, for the purpose of addressing and preventing such purchases.

2. Data Protection:

a. Any data, including photos, uploaded to the consortium platform shall be destroyed upon request by any member, parent, or legal guardian if the minor involved is found to be under 13 years of age.

b. If a person of interest is identified as being under 13 years of age, their parents shall be notified if known, and the data shall be deleted within 12 hours.

c. Non-personally identifiable information, such as age range and gender, may be maintained for statistical purposes.

d. With permission from the parents, certain items such as altered photographs may be included to aid in identifying individuals through clothing, stance, or stature.

3. Nondisclosure:

a. All parties to this Agreement shall maintain strict confidentiality and shall not disclose any shared information to non-consortium members, except as required by law enforcement agencies or with the consent of the parents/legal guardians.

b. Non-consortium members, including individuals and organizations, shall not have access to the shared information without explicit authorization.

4. Data Removal:

a. The consortium shall promptly remove any requested information upon receiving a takedown request.

b. However, if the individual's parents have been notified and agree, their likeness and other metadata may be retained for the benefit of the consortium members.

5. Compliance:

a. All parties shall comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding data protection, privacy, and nondisclosure.

b. The consortium shall establish internal policies and procedures to ensure compliance with this Agreement and applicable laws.